Have a Queer cinema project or film festival?
Let us know how we can help! Queer Film Institute currently focus on supporting institutions that program and showcase Queer cinema. We do not currently offer or manage any artist development programs or funding at this time.

Wicked Queer
Founded in 1984 by film programmer George Mansour, Wicked Queer is the 4th longest running LGBTQ+ Film Festival in North America. We are proud to be an all-volunteer organization. Our mission is to build community and to celebrate Queer storytelling and filmmaking through the uplifting of voices and stories not yet heard and to present and preserve the vibrancy of our histories.

Queer Film Los Angeles
We find Queer cinema in LA. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and follow us on Instagram for all things Queer film in and around Los Angeles.

Queers do Cinema
A podcast about queer cinema, LGBTQ+ films and filmmakers, and more -- from queer film festival experts and enthusiasts. Listen now on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or wherever you find your podcasts.